Agent Tools

Agent Tools

Everything you need to succeed, all in one place.

To access all of the agent
tools you must login.

Agent CRM and Rate Quoting Tools

Medicare Center is an all-in-one Universal Login. It combines your CRM, rate quoting and enrollments into one, easy to use program. Other features include…

Call Recording
Pharmacy Search and Save Tool
Electronic Scope of Appointment
Mobile App

We've partnered with CSG Actuarial to equip you with the best quoting tool in the business. Compare rates on...

Medicare Supplement
Medicare Advantage/PDP
Hospital Indemnity
Dental, Vision & Hearing
Final Expense

Health and Life Leads

Agency CRM & Rate Quoting System

All it takes is a few quick steps to get the leads you need - delivered when and how you want. You’re in control!

• Follow prompts in MedicareCENTER to set up campaigns in LeadCENTER
• Check-in with the flip of a switch to start getting leads — exactly when you’re ready
• Choose lead types and sources based on your unique business
• Get real-time leads delivered right to your MedicareCENTER account

Agent Incentives & Reimbursements

Write 20,000 in Production Credits - $175

  • SSB will reimburse $175 of your Business Expenses EACH TIME you write 20,000 in production credits
  • Your production with ALL the below companies count towards the Expense Reimbursement Program. Please see the next page for examples.
  • The more company appointments you have with SSB, the easier it is to qualify.
  • This incentive is only available to “street level agents” contracted directly with SSBI.

Extra Bonus

$100 Fast Start Bonus

5 Issued Apps within 30 Days of ANY New Appointment.

$50 Agent Referral

Paid when referred agent writes an issued app within 30 days of contracting with SSB.

Our incentive program is ongoing! Get Paid $175 EACH TIME you write 20,000 in production credits! By using the credits per annual premium multiplier, fill out the transmittal form with policy information and submit. Below are examples on how to qualify!
13 Aetna Med Sup Apps

  • $1,550 Commissionable Premium X .925 = 1,433 Credits
  • 1,433 Credits X 13 Apps = 18,629 Credits

1 Standard Life & Casualty Final Expense App

  • $750 Annual Premium X 2.66 = 1,995 Credits

Total Expense Reimbursement Credits = 20,624

Two Manhattan Life Affordable Choice Apps

  • $4,260 Annual Premium X 2 = 8520 Credits
  • 8,520 Credits X 2 Apps = 17,040 Credits

2 Aetna Lump Sum Cancer App

  • $400 Annual Premium X 4.45 = 1,780 Credits
  • 1,780 Credits X 2 Apps = 3,560 Credits

Total Expense Reimbursement Credits = 20,600

Agent Incentive Transmittal


Only available to agents contracted directly with SSBI at the street level. Agents will receive a 1099 from SSBI when expense reimbursements total over $600 per year. Agents can only request one expense reimbursement at a time on business that issued in the last year. Controlled business is not eligible. Agents are responsible for production reporting. Subject to change. For agent use only. Not for distribution to the general public.

Policy Fees are non-commissionable(with most companies) & Medicare Part B Deductible is non-commissionable

For Agent Use Only